Najveći ženski problemi, celulit i višak kilograma mogu se očistiti samo jednim napitkom, koji će ubrzati metabolizam i procese topljenja viška masti
Unošenje tečnosti glavni je činilac gubitka kilograma i rešavanja pomorandžine kore, posebno ukoliko tečnost unosite u obliku detoks napitaka.
Vežbe za guzu pročitajte ovde: MILOŠ tvrdi da će posle ovih vežbi žene biti LJUBOMORNE, a BIKINI će vam stajati kao saliven (VIDEO)
Detoks napitci su odlični jer im je učinak brz, a vrlo su jednostavni za pripremanje u našoj kuhinji. Osim što će pomoći da se organizam očisti iznutra, a na koži će se odmah primeti promena, odnosno posle detoksa koža će biti blistava i zategnuta.
Napitak od celera
repost from @lindsaystruchen - - - - - - Did you know celery is actually an herb not a veggie? I’ve been drinking celery juice since February of this year. When I first heard of celery juice, I thought it was another crazy health fad, but then I learned of the benefits through the Medical Medium book. The celery juice movement was started by author Anthony William (Medical Medium) and he has an entire book dedicated to the benefits. The top benefits include reduction of acid reflux, restoring adrenals, fights and reverses illness & disease, flushes toxins, kills viruses and bacteria, supports the liver, heals digestive upsets by repairing hydrochloric acid and liver bile production (just to name a few…) . This is not a quick fix (nothing that actually heals ever is) but I can tell it is working. My digestion issues were pretty quickly impacted. I even noticed a difference with inflammation shortly after I have drank my daily juice. The key is to drink the juice on an empty stomach so first thing in the morning is great. I like to drink 32oz of lemon water first thing in the morning to re-hydrate. About 15minutes after I have drank that and my stomach has emptied a bit, I’ll make the celery juice. I don’t have a juicer but I do have a Vitamix Blender (it’s amazing and worth every penny). I clean and cut up 2 bunches of celery (chopping it up makes it easier for the blender to work). Then I throw everything in the blend until I have a puree. Lastly, I strain that through a nut bag and I have my juice. It’s best to drink it right away and not eat for 15-20minutes for maximum benefit. . When you finally figure out the root cause of your symptoms, you can work to address them and heal. For me, celery juice was a pretty powerful weapon in attacking the roots causing my symptoms. I have to admit, initially I had to choke it down, but today, my body actually craves it. When you really tune into what your body needs, it answers. . . . #celeryjuice #coldpressedjuice #juicing #celeryjuicebenefits #celery #medicalmedium
Objava koju deli Celery Juice Heals (@celeryjuiceheals) dana 17. Jun 2020. u 6:11 PDT
Ovo je jedan d najpopularnijih detoks napitaka, a popularan je upravo zbog svoje učinkovitosti. Celer obiluje vlaknima, mineralima magnezijumom i fosforom, vitaminima,K, B i C. Izuzetno je dobar za zdravlje, ima antiupalno dejstvo, čuva srce i krvne sudove, bubrege, a pomaže u snižavanju visokog krvnog pritiska, povećava plodnost i vraća energiju.
Vežbe za grudi pročitaje ovde: Predstavljamo vam TRI VEŽBE koje su idealne za grudi, ali u JEDNOM SLUČAJU ih ne smete raditi (FOTO/VIDEO)
Sastojci za pripremu:
3 stabljike celera
200 mililitara vode
Napitak se može napraviti u sokovniku ili u blenderu. Preporučuje se sokovnik, ali i iz blendera će poslužiti svrsi. Ako se ne može dovoljno usitniti u blenderu, napitak se može procediti kroz gazu i potom razblažiti dodatnom vodom. Preporučuje se da se konzumira svako jutro na prazan stomak.