Dizajnerka od početka pandemije radi u svom domu u Londonu i kaže kako želi da je njen cilj da inspiriše ljude da postanu kreativniji.
U mnogim zemljama nakon pandemije korona virusa maske su postale neizostavni deo “opreme” ukoliko izlazite iz kuće. Moraju se nositi u javnom prevozu, javnim ustanovama, šoping centrima, pa čak i na pijaci. Ne čudi zato činjenica da su maske postale ne samo nužni komada zaštite, već i modni dodatk.
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Ekstravagantni dodaci
Francuska dizajnerka Anne Sophie Cochevelou nije želela samo da uskladi odevnu kombinaciju sa maskom, već se bacila u pomalo ekstravagantne instalacije i stvorila maske inspirisane brojnim likovima i motivima iz pop kulture.
Tako možete naći maske ukrašene Barbikama, ali i lego kockicama, koje će nositi zaisgurno oni najhrabriji.
Pročitajte još: Znate li šta je RENKA? Svakodnevno koristimo taj PREDMET, a ŠAPČANI za njega imaju POSEBAN NAZIV
Inače, dizajnerka od početka pandemije radi u svom domu u Londonu i kaže kako želi da inspiriše ljude da postanu kreativniji kada su u pitanju maske.
Pročitajte još: Koliko puta ste se po izlasku iz KUĆE vraćali jer ste nešto ZABORAVILI? Da li ste čuli za "EFEKAT PRAGA"
Pročitajte još: "Uzmi i odmah vozi, nema cenkanja": Na Zemunskom buvljaku ima SVEGA, pa i KURS EVRA OD 80 DINARA (FOTO/VIDEO)
Quarantine day 7 peacock mask During the lock down, as we have limited access to resources, with photographer @anthonylycettphotography we started a project focusing on facemasks. Highly coveted, out of stock, stolen between countries, at the heart of a public health scandal… Useful, not useful. Medical grade, surgical or homemade crafty fabric one… In this new era will a mask become the new indispensable fashion accessory ousting hats or scarves? Compared to eye mask that is supposed to hide your identity what does mouth mask reveal of your persona? The etymology of the word “mask” could come from the Spanish más que la cara (literally, "more than the face" or "added face", Maybe mask like make up or jewellery could bring another dimension to our bare face and tell something of the way we want to present ourselves, as an intimate banner, a personal flag. As costume designer, I have never worked on masks before and I am finding new creative potential from this little surface directly applied on the skin. As they conceal our mouth and emphasise our eyes in a very performative way, they change the whole dynamic of our facial expressions. Placed on the mouth and directly under the eyes “the window of the soul’’ they bring new narratives to the face. Another layer of meaning through another layer of fabric. Costume assistant @femfms #peacockmask #peacock #peacockfeather #peacockdesign #paon #peacockfabric #peacockfeatherfabric #safeandstylish #protectivemask
Objava koju deli Anne Sophie Cochevelou (@sophiecochevelou) dana 23. Apr 2020. u 9:00 PDT
Quarantine day 14 - lips 👄 mask During the lock down, as we have limited access to resources, with photographer @anthonylycettphotography we started a project focusing on facemasks. Highly coveted, out of stock, stolen between countries, at the heart of a public health scandal… Useful, not useful. Medical grade, surgical or homemade crafty fabric one… In this new era will a mask become the new indispensable fashion accessory ousting hats or scarves? Compared to eye mask that is supposed to hide your identity what does mouth mask reveal of your persona? The etymology of the word “mask” could come from the Spanish más que la cara (literally, "more than the face" or "added face", Maybe mask like make up or jewellery could bring another dimension to our bare face and tell something of the way we want to present ourselves, as an intimate banner, a personal flag. As costume designer, I have never worked on masks before and I am finding new creative potential from this little surface directly applied on the skin. As they conceal our mouth and emphasise our eyes in a very performative way, they change the whole dynamic of our facial expressions. Placed on the mouth and directly under the eyes “the window of the soul’’ they bring new narratives to the face. Another layer of meaning through another layer of fabric. Costume assistant @femfms #lipsmask #protectivemask #facemask #fabricmask #redlips #redlipstick💄 #redlips💋 #fabricmask #wearableartmask
Objava koju deli Anne Sophie Cochevelou (@sophiecochevelou) dana 30. Apr 2020. u 9:01 PDT